Read Where Dwights Haircut Came From and Other Highlights From Rainn Wilsons Reddit AMA

Rainn Wilson, the man responsible for Dwight Schrute (and likely many of your favorite quotes), spent part of his Sunday promoting his new memoir, The Bassoon King, via Reddit. Out now, the book involves Wilsons rise from struggling New York nobody to success, and details big ideas about faith and God and life and failure

Rainn Wilson.

Rainn Wilson, the man responsible for Dwight Schrute (and likely many of your favorite quotes), spent part of his Sunday promoting his new memoir, The Bassoon King, via Reddit. Out now, the book involves Wilson’s rise from struggling New York nobody to success, and details “big ideas about faith and God and life and failure” — plus, he stresses, it has tons of pictures! As is tradition in his AMA sessions, the actor dished on a wide range of topics, which this round included the content of Bassoon King, more Office trivia, the upcoming presidential election, and the Bahá’í faith. Read on for the highlights:

Where did Dwight’s haircut come from?

I tried to purposefully create the UGLIEST haircut I could possibly design for my ungainly enormous head and forehead.
I also stole that from McKenzie crook who played Gareth. He gave him a terrible haircut.
Also, Chris Cole, a guy I played D & D with as a kid had THAT EXACT SAME HAIRCUT!

Where did the influence for Dwight come from?

I write about this a great deal in my book. McKenzie [Crook] had a brilliant sense of being unhinged and taking himself completely seriously. I just outright stole that. He’s amazing. I love watching him and I was thrilled to take the mantle of that character from Gareth to Dwight.

What’s his favorite Jim-Dwight prank?

When he put my desk in the bathroom.

Who would Dwight vote for next year?

Dwight would vote for Mussolini.

What is Dwight’s penis size compared to Rainn’s?

Dwights penis is actually much larger than mine!

The funniest scene for him to film on set:

John and I on the party planning committee for Kelly’s party. Hanging the brown and grey balloons. We COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING.

Yes, he still has Dwight’s glasses:

I do! My proudest possesion!

Weirdest thing a fan has ever done for him?

I find the Dwight tattoos flattering but a bit extreme!

What happened to that show Backstrom he was starring in?

Backstrom was such a great show. We were on a terrible time slot. Got hammered in the reviews. And people just didn’t give us a chance. Too bad! Oh well.

Best piece of advice he was ever given?

Andre Gregory, the theatre director and writer, once told me that the world wants you cynical. To keep your heart open to possibility.
I really took that to heart. The world needs hope, service, humor and love. It’s way too easy to stay jaded and cynical and pessimistic. Such an easy fall-back position — anyone can do it.

Mindy, he would like to be on your show (ahem):

She’s the best. I would love to be on her new(ish) show but she hasn’t asked me! She’s a beautiful girl and a gorgeous mind.

He thinks Russell Brand is this smart:

I truly loved talking with Russell Brand. He’s so brilliant. His memoir is truly funny as well. I wish he focused more on the spiritual and less on the political as he has so much wisdom.

His dream job with Marvel?

I would like to play a super villain! Any ideas of which one would be good for me?

Thinking of seeing Spectre? Here’s what he has to say about that:

I thought Spectre was gorgeous and forgettable dogshit. Nothing made sense. It was preposterous. The plot holes were ridiculous.

You are right in assuming, given his memoir’s title, the man knows how to play the bassoon:

I do! Come see me at a book reading and I’ll play it for you!

There you go. For more from the Q&A session, head here.


Reddit The Best Answers From Rainn Wilson’s Reddit AMA

